Sunday, February 3, 2013

Italy's food law

Italy Italy's food heritage, best world-conservation efforts through the law as one
of the country's Government, but EU, cooking and the Government of Italy, part of
the Government of Italy features authentic cooking to try to retain other national
or regional laws and because other EU countries, free of discrimination against
imported products.

2009 in some areas prohibit certain kinds of Italy Restaurant open since Lucca,
Italy, the most traditional of the city. Tuscany food cooking in foreign countries
on the wall space for a new store sales are banned in this new European restaurant
opens a new restaurant Milan kebabs but such ethnic cuisine.  Italy adopted a strict origin rules. here is a list of manufacturers and importers
products where the label should be for a specific type of food. EU legislation meat, fish, seafood, fruit, vegetables, all original labels to sell Italy. However,
in 2004, Italy olive oil, honey, poultry producers and product labelsCountry of
origin labeling law, passed on. 2006, starting in South Africa and Italy t PA Ta ?
canned tomato products can add to the list in 2007, producing olive oil with olive
oil, by national origin and the ratio of the final products produced in Italy as the
label also made demands.

In 2003, Italy, soy lecithin and natural seasonings products pure chocolate, 100%
pure chocolate that define the label for cocoa also includes oil-rich with a Bill to
get passed. in addition to or instead of cocoa butter, vegetable fats are included,
all of chocolate products in Italy ? chocolate can be sold instead ?.
In 2010, there is no law banning MI ro style materials have to be used in some
baking con Su ? molecular ga Italy. one molecule of the gas law restaurant kitchen
as substance use restrictions including no MI ? usually liquid nitrogen, ro and ga
for containing too many molecular cuisine restaurant law technical processes. in
banning the use of chemical additives required. chemical additives or Gas will help
in the preparation of processed foods.   

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